Here are some of the cria born here during the summer of 2021. This years naming theme is mountains, mainly.
Patou Kampalili a beautiful fawn daughter to Patou Peach Naga and Patou Snow Goose. Kampalili is our first Rococo/Goose cross.
Patou Mississippi a lovely light brown female, a trouser nibbler. Daughter to Patou Rio and Patou Snow Goose.
Patou Sibilini a gorgeous black female. Her mother is Patou Umbria and her sire is Toft Timogen.
Patou Sesame, a full sister to Patou Cicely. Her mother is Patou Cinnamon, sire Patou Snow Goose. A gorgeous bibbly bobbly fleece.
Patou Periwinkle, a lovely light brown female sired by Patou Snow Goose. Her mother Patou Madagascar, is a Toft Timogen daughter.
Patou Nevsky, a lovely brown male sired by Toft Timogen from Reddingvale Katerina.
Patou Khumbu a light fawn male sired by Patou Snow Goose. His mother is Patou Willow.
Patou Charbonnel is a lovely rich brown male, son of Patou Hermione and Patou Snow Goose.
Patou Kinabalu, a very handsome fawn male from Patou Sabrina and Patou Snow Goose.